And why Should I Schedule my Portrait session during Golden hour?

Golden hour is the window of time one hour before sunset and one hour after sunrise. This is an ideal time to take photos, because the light from the main light source in natural light photography, the sun, is glowy and beautiful. It's not casting harsh shadows as it can throughout other times of the day. This allows for the most flattering light on you and the location you have chosen to take your photos.

Examples of Photos taken during different times of day

Family Mid Morning Portrait with Diffuse Backlight at the Cascades in South Park, PA


This photo was taken a few hours after sunrise. You can see that there are some darker shadows and some brighter highlights. The trees offered some shade from the sun and gave us some diffuse backlight which still produced a flattering picture for this family.

Family of three fall foliage photo session at Gilfillan Park, Pennsylvania


Notice how the highlights and shadows become even more noticeable in this photo taken in the afternoon. There was also limited shade as many of the leaves had already fallen off the trees. We were able to find some beautiful foliage to diffuse the sunlight and produce this evenly lit, playful photo for this family.

Family of three walking during spring golden hour photo session at South Park, PA

Golden Hour

Notice that there are no harsh shadows in this photo! Everyone is evenly lit and glowy. Seriously golden hour light is a game-changer when it comest to your professional photos. If at all possible, book your portrait session during golden hour!