This is my NUMBER ONE TIP!!

Talk about your photo session like it is literally the most fun thing your child will do all day. For example "guess what we get to do today?!" We get to go and have fun playing together, snuggling, smiling and laughing at (insert location where photos will be taken), AND Amanda, a photographer, will be there to take special pictures so we can remember this fun time as a family. I bet the pictures will be so fun, maybe we can even put one in your bedroom!

It's all about how we frame the experience. If we start with bribes, your kids might think this is something they shouldn't want to do. But they should! I will do my best to keep things fun and lighthearted. I love to capture the candid moments playing, dancing, walking, exploring. Those are the moments we will miss when we are old and gray, not the perfectly posed photos where everyone is looking at the camera.

Prep Them

Prep them for what a professional camera looks like. This type of equipment can seem a little intimidating for young kids who have not seen a large camera before. You might say- "You know how mommy takes pictures of you on her phone? That is what the photographer, Amanda, will do, but instead of using a phone she will use a camera.  This is a picture of what her camera will look like. Amanda told me she will even show you how it works if you'd like!"

Here is a photo of my camera to show your child before your family photo session!

Practice Smiling

Get your little one in front of the mirror and tell them to smile or take a picture on your phone and show them the different smiles they make.  Once they get a good natural smile comment on how much you like that smile and how it shows how happy they are.  My little one smiles most naturally when I tell her to imagine she's about to eat a donut with sprinkles. If you find something that works to get a good natural smile from your child, be sure to share it with me!!

Stay Flexible

Let them be kids! Your child may decide they aren't interested in taking photos anymore. If that's the case I want you to do your best to stay cool, calm, and continue to have fun even if they aren't feeling it at the moment. This is where I come in with fun, games, and dance parties to lighten things back up and try to regain their interest. If that doesn't work, and your child or family is truly just ready to go home and go to bed, let me know. I do my best to get a good variety of shots quickly at the beginning of your session as I know kids attention spans are not unlimited. I will let you know if we've gotten some great shots already. I run my sessions this way, so if we need to end the session early, generally, that is totally fine!


This one's big!  I love interacting with the kids to get genuine smiles.  This may mean making crazy noises or playing peek-a-boo with your little one. But often times parents can get the best smiles and laughs. There is nothing I love more than when a parent stands behind me and acts like a complete fool, doing whatever it takes to get those sweet giggles! You know your child best, and know how to make them laugh. Sometimes the shock value of a parent letting loose and being completely silly results in a giggle fest from everyone and the absolute BEST photos.

Bring Bribes

When all else fails, bribes usually save the day. The bribe could be something when we are done (ie. going to get ice cream or watching their favorite show), Or something not messy during the shoot (cheerios, gummy fruit snacks, etc. ). Even if this isn't in your normal parenting repertoire, your photo session may be a good day to make an exception!

Want tips to prep a Baby for your Family photo session?