Thanks to Rise + Bloom Creative!

It has been  enlightening and exciting to discuss & develop the vision & look of Take Heart. I’ve been working with Rise + Bloom Creative Marketing over the last several months to create a new logo, hone in on brand colors, & further solidify my brand voice.

The goal of Take Heart is to celebrate the beauty and authenticity of life's present moments by using photography to capture emotions, connections, and stories. The approach to Take Heart is rooted in empowerment, compassion, and the belief that every person has inherent value and worth. The photos reflect a genuine and heartfelt perspective, focusing on the essence of motherhood, family life, and the entrepreneurial spirit. At Take Heart, photography is a medium to empower women, highlight their unique journeys, and preserve meaningful memories to be cherished for generations.

Check out the new logo below! I'm obsessed!

"In this world you will have trouble, but Take Heart I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33