We all know they are called the terrible twos and threenagers for a reason...

One minute they can be sweet as pie and the next minute they are sour as a lemon. Trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve got one under one and a threenager myself! Here is some of my best advice for prepping your toddler for your photoshoot.

Explain what will happen step-by-step

  • As Daniel Tiger Says “When we do something new, let’s talk about what we’ll do.”
  • For example- “Our family is going to get dressed up today and go to a park to get our picture taken by a photographer. You know how mommy takes pictures of you on her phone, that is what the photographer, Amanda, will do, but instead of using a phone she will use a camera. This is a picture of what her camera will look like (see picture below).  It’s okay if you feel a little nervous or shy about the camera at first. Amanda will show you how it works. Then you will give Amanda big smiles just like you give mommy when I take a picture on my phone.”  

Answer your questionnaire

  • It’s very helpful to know what your toddler likes (ie. Cocomelon, Daniel tiger, etc.) so I know what they might be interested in talking about and what might make them smile
  • Also if there’s anything that makes your toddler or baby smile or laugh, let me know! I am not above any silly sound that might bring on a giggle or smile :) 


  • We WILL get good photos, especially if no one is feeling too stressed. We will work with your toddler together, and find ways to make your photo session fun! 

Bring Bribes

  • If all else fails, we can try bribing if you are up for it! Usually I would save this as a last resort for cooperation or when toddlers are losing interest at the end of a session. The bribe could be something when we are done (ie. Going to get ice cream, watching their favorite show), or something not messy during the shoot (cheerios, etc). 

I hope this helps to make your next family photo session a success! 

Camera Example for Children